000s---General Works (encyclopedias, trivia books)
100s---Philosophy & Psychology
200s---Religion & Mythology
300s---Social Sciences (economics, sociology, civics, law, education, careers, folklore, folk & fairy tales, customs)
400s---Language (dictionaries, thesauruses, grammar, foreign language)
500s---Pure Sciences (Math, astronomy, physics, chemisty, geology, biology, zoology, botany)
600's---Technology & Applied Sciences (Medicine, engineering, agriculture, cooking, business, television, radio, aviation, etc.)
700s---Arts (architecture, drawing, sculpture, painting, music, photography, sports, etc)
800s---Literature (poetry, plays, literary criticism, etc)
900s---Geography & History
92s---Collective Biography (books about the lives of several people)
SC--Story Collection (short stories)
R--Reference section