000-099 --- General Works (encyclopedias, almanacs, trivia books, etc)
100-199 --- Philosophy & Psychology
200-299 --- Religion & Mythology
300-399 --- Social Sciences (economics, sociology, civics, law, education, careers, folklore)
400-499 --- Language (dictionaries, thesauri, grammar, foreign languages)
500-599 --- Pure Sciences (math, physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, biology, zoology)
600-699 --- Technology & Applied Sciences (medicine, engineering, agriculture, cooking,
business, aviation)
700-799 --- Arts (architecture, drawing, sculppture, painting, music, photography, sports)
800-899 --- Literature (poetry, plays, literary criticism, etc)
900—999 --- Geography & History
92s --- Collective Biography (books about the lives of more than one person)
B --- Biography
F --- Fiction
SC –- Story Collection (books of short stories)
R ---Reference